City of Berkley, Michigan

Boards & Commissions

Boards & Commissions

CLICK HERE to apply for a board or commission.

The City of Berkley is successful because of the tremendous support from residents who voluntarily serve on various city boards and commissions. Board and commission members support city operations by supporting department initiatives, advising city officials on important matters, and serving as ambassadors in their respective neighborhoods.

Residents who are interested in serving on a board or commission should note the following:

  • Most boards and commissions work with specific departments as described in the City Charter.

  • To be considered, potential applicants must submit a completed Board & Commission application to the City Manager’s Office.

  • In general, board and commission members are appointed by the Mayor and City Council and not compensated for their time.

  • Newly appointed board and commission members are required to complete and sign a Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Form, as well as, take an Oath of Office.

  • Appointed members are required to comply with the Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act requests related to board activities and duties.

Online Boards & Commissions Application

Explore below for appointment processes and duties 

Boards and Commission FAQS

Please explore the dropdown tabs below, where you will find FAQs regarding information and services from the City Managers Office.

For additional questions, not covered on this page, contact the City Managers Office at 248.658.3350.

How do I join a Board or a Commission?

After you know which board or committee you would like to join complete a Boards & Commissions Application. Provide all of your information and you can add your resume as well. 

What is the application process?

After applying for your choice(s) of a Board or Commission it is submitted to the City Manager's office. It goes to a vote with City Council at the June Council Meeting and all approved applicants will be emailed with City Council decisions. 

Does current members have to apply for reappointment?

Yes, all reappointed members must reapply when their term expires. 

Can I attend meetings if I am not a board member?

Yes! All members of the public are able to attend Boards and Commission Meetings. Please see each board for their meeting date, time, and location.