Berkley Boards & Commissions

Downtown Development Authority

Downtown Development Authority

Click here to visit Downtown Berkley's Website!

What Is the Downtown Development Authority?
The Downtown Development Authority (DDA), in accordance with Act 57 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 2018, ensures the correction and prevention of deterioration in the 'downtown district' of Berkley, the encouragement of historic preservation, the creation and implementation of development plans in the downtown district and the promotion of economic growth.


Who we are:

The DDA board of trustees consists of the Berkley City Manager and 12 directors. Four of the 12 directors are business or property owners on 12 Mile, four are business or property owners on Coolidge, and four are at large — meaning they have no direct business interest in the DDA District.

Matteo Passalacqua (Board Chair)

Area At Large

Crystal VanVleck (Secretary)

Area Administration Term Expires City Manager - N/A 

Donna Dirkse

Area Twelve Mile Term Expires July 2024

Anna Grace

Area At-Large Term Expires July 2028

Scott Francis

Area At-Large Term Expires July 2027

Shawn Heath-Lee

Area Coolidge Term Expires July 2028

Christine Gross (Treasurer)

Area Twelve Mile Term Expires July 2027

Katie Forte

Area Coolidge Term Expires July 2025

Ashley Poirier

Area At-Large Term Expires July 2026

Brian Zifkin

Area 12 Mile Term Expires July 2027

Uli Laczkovich

Area Coolidge Term Expires July 2026

Desiree Dutcher (Vice Chair)

Area Coolidge Term Expires July 2025

Todd Schaefer

Area 12 Mile Term Expires July 2028

Council Liaison: Steve Baker
Staff Liaison: Jennifer Finney (Interim Executive Director)

When Can You Attend a Meeting?

Meeting Time: 8:15 AM
Meeting Location: 2nd Floor Public Safety Conference Room, 2395 Twelve Mile Road

DDA Contact Number: 248-658-3353

Meeting Time:


2025 Meeting Dates:

January 8
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10


2nd Floor Public Safety Conference Room, 2395 Twelve Mile Road

All board meetings are open to members of the public to attend.

Meeting Agendas

& Minutes

Below you will find agendas and minutes for the DDA meetings. If you are looking for an agenda or minutes from a specific meeting not listed below, please call the City Clerk's Office at 248.658.3310.

DDA meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8:15 AM at the 2nd Floor Public Safety Conference Room, 2395 Twelve Mile Road.

All meetings are open to the public but are not televised live on WBRK


January 8

January 27 - Special Meeting

March 12


January 10

March 13

April 10

June 12

July 10

August 14

September 11

October 9

November 13

December 11