Berkley, Michigan


City Council Meetings

Regular City Council Meeting

Meetings are open to the public and broadcast live online and on WBRK for residents with WOW and Comcast.  Recorded meetings are available on the city's YouTube channel, 2-3 days after the meeting.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

CANCELLED Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

This meeting has been cancelled. You can view the cancellation notice on the ZBA page.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Afternoon Board of Review Meeting

Meetings are held in City Council Chambers.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Evening Board of Review Meeting

The Board of Review meets in City Hall's Lois Adix Conference Room.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Historical Committee Meeting

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Downtown Development Authority Meeting

DDA meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

CANCELLED Committee for Engagement and Transparency Meeting

This meeting has been canceled due to the snow emergency.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Morning Board of Review Meeting

The Board of Review meets in City Council Chambers.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Afternoon Board of Review Meeting

Meetings are held in City Council Chambers.

City Council Meetings

Regular City Council Meeting

Meetings are open to the public and broadcast live online and on WBRK for residents with WOW and Comcast.  Recorded meetings are available on the city's YouTube channel, 2-3 days after the meeting.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Public Safety Pension Board

Public Safety Pension Board meets once a month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission meets once a month at 7 PM. Meetings are broadcast live on our City YouTube channel and on WBRK.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Library Board Meeting

Library Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting

Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) meetings on the third Thursday of the month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Tree Board Meeting

The Tree Board meets monthly except in the summer.