WBRK is the city’s government access channel, used to inform and educate Berkley residents on community and city government services, policies, and events. Residents with cable subscriptions to WOW or XFINITY (aka Comcast), can watch original government programs on WBRK:
WOW - Channel 10
XFINITY - Channel 17, 914 and 1090 (channel availability depends on service plan)
Watch WBRK 24 hours a day, every day. Broadcasts include:
City Council and Planning Commission Meetings (live and rebroadcast presentations)
Replays of major events
Bulletin board of upcoming events and activities
Special Programs

NOTE: Residents can also view City Council and Planning Commission meetings, along with other recorded city events, on the city's YouTube channel. Click here to view previously recorded programs and subscribe to receive notifications when new programs are posted.