The City Council is the City of Berkley’s governing body, composed of the Mayor and six Council members elected from the city at large. It is authorized to establish and enforce laws and regulations related to municipal affairs, subject to the limitations and restrictions of the City Charter and the State Constitution.
The mayor serves a two-year term. The remaining City Council members serve staggered four-year terms. Elections are held in November of odd-numbered years and terms begin in December.
The City Council is responsible for approving the annual budget, service contracts, labor agreements, and other official documents required to conduct city operations. Approximately 26 City Council meetings are held annually. These meetings are open to the public and follow the Open Meetings Act. Regular Council meetings are broadcast on the city’s government access channel, WBRK, and available for on-demand viewing on YouTube. Work sessions and other special meetings are held as needed.
The email address for the entire City Council is
For more information on the organization and duties of the Berkley City Council, click here.

Mayor - Term Expires 2025
Bridget Dean was elected to City Council for a four-year term in November 2019 and re-elected in November 2023. She and her husband Mike chose to live in Berkley because of the small-town charm of the city and the ability to walk to so many places. They have lived in Berkley since 2005 and have two grown children. Bridget opened her knit shop, "...have you any Wool?" in 2004 on Robina. Being a Berkley resident and business owner gives her a unique perspective and compliments the skills already on City Council.
Bridget earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work, both from the University of Michigan.
Bridget has been active in the following organizations:
- Board Member of the Berkley Downtown Development Authority
- Vice-Chair of the Berkley Downtown Development Authority
- Design Guidelines Committee of the Berkley Downtown Development Authority
- Wayfinding Committee of the Berkley Downtown Development Authority
- Public Art Committee of the Berkley Downtown Development Authority
- Board Member of the Greater Berkley Chamber of Commerce
- Member of the Greater Berkley Chamber of Commerce
City Council
The Berkley City Council meets at 7 PM on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at City Hall, 3338 Coolidge Hwy. Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday at 7 PM during the summer months, June through September. The meeting schedule, approved annually, may be amended to accommodate holidays that occur on the 1st and 3rd Monday. In addition, separate special meetings and work sessions may also be held as needed by the City Council.
Council meetings are open to the public and are televised live on Berkley’s government access channel, WBRK (available for WOW and Comcast customers). Each meeting includes a “Public Comments” section where residents have an opportunity to speak to Council members regarding items that are not on the meeting agenda. Residents can, however, comment on a specific agenda item at the time that item is discussed. To see the dates of upcoming City Council meetings, please visit the city’s calendar.
Watch City Council Meetings live online!
If a meeting is currently in session, it will be streamed live on our YouTube channel.
The City of Berkley will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities. For more information on this, or to request auxiliary aids or services, contact the city in writing or by phone at:
- City Clerk’s Office
- Berkley City Hall
- 3338 Coolidge Hwy.
- Berkley, MI 48072
- 248.658.3310