Steve Baker

Term Expires: November 2025

Steve Baker has represented us on Berkley City Council since he was first elected in 2009. Steve chose Berkley as his forever-home in 1999, and looks forward to many, many more years to come with his wife Wendy, daughter Zoe, and two precocious rescue dogs, Lola and Ollie. He enjoys writing and recording original music, learning to play Hnefatafl, and studying philosophy and the I Ching.

Mr. Baker is a specialist in process engineering, continuous improvement, and executive communication at DTE Energy, where he oversees IT-related strategic alignment and integration, interaction and outreach, and innovation and feasibility on behalf of the company. During his 25+ years with the company, he has held many leadership and technical roles, and enjoys drawing on whiteboards.

Steve holds a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science and a Master of Science in software engineering from Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. He subsequently studied at Harvard Kennedy School as a recipient of the Taubman Fellowship from SEMCOG. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Computing Professional (CCP), and also a published author, conference speaker, and Six-Sigma Black Belt candidate.

Mr. Baker has been active in the following organizations:

  • Council Liaison, Berkley Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
  • Council Liaison, Berkley Historical Committee
  • Board of Trustees, Michigan Municipal League (MML)
  • Board of Directors, MML Elected Officials Academy (EOA)
  • Board of Directors, FAR Conservatory of Therapeutic and Performing Arts
  • Voting Member, Woodward Ave. Transit Analysis Steering Committee
  • Energy and Technology Committee, Michigan Municipal League
  • Legislative Governance Committee, Michigan Municipal League
  • Project Management Institute
  • International Association of Facilitators
  • A supporter of the Friends of the Berkley Public Library, the Friends of Berkley Parks and Recreation, and the Berkley Junior Women's Club, among others