Berkley, Michigan


Boards & Commissions Meetings

Afternoon Board of Review Meeting

Meetings are held in City Council Chambers.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

CANCELLED Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

This meeting has been cancelled. You can view the cancellation notice on the ZBA page.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Evening Board of Review Meeting

The Board of Review meets in City Hall's Lois Adix Conference Room.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Historical Committee Meeting

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Downtown Development Authority Meeting

DDA meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

CANCELLED Committee for Engagement and Transparency Meeting

This meeting has been canceled due to the snow emergency.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Morning Board of Review Meeting

The Board of Review meets in City Council Chambers.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Afternoon Board of Review Meeting

Meetings are held in City Council Chambers.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Public Safety Pension Board

Public Safety Pension Board meets once a month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission meets once a month at 7 PM. Meetings are broadcast live on our City YouTube channel and on WBRK.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Library Board Meeting

Library Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting

Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) meetings on the third Thursday of the month.

Boards & Commissions Meetings

Tree Board Meeting

The Tree Board meets monthly except in the summer.