What Is the Planning Commission?
The Planning Commission consists of nine residents who are appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council, to serve a three-year term. Members shall be representative of important segments of the community such as the economic, educational, and social development of the local unit of government in accordance with the major interests as they exist in Berkley such as recreation, education, transportation, industry, and commerce.
In accordance with state and city ordinances, the Planning Commission is responsible for:
- Drafting and adopting the city's master plan
- Reviewing and recommending approval of the city's Capital Improvement Plan in accordance
- Developing and updating Zoning text and map changes
- Reviewing Special Land Use requests described in the zoning ordinance
- Conducting Site Plan Reviews
Who we are:
Questions or comments for the board can be directed to pc@berkleymich.net or 248-658-3320.
Joseph Bartus
Term Expires July 2026
Shiloh Dahlin
Term Expires July 2025
Lisa Hamameh
Term Expires July 2027
Lisa Kempner (Chairperson)
Term Expires July 2025
Matteo Passalacqua
Term Expires July 2025
Josh Stapp
Term Expires July 2025
Michael Woods
Term Expires July 2026
When Can You Attend a Meeting?
The Planning Commission meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7 PM at City Hall, 3338 Coolidge (unless otherwise noted).
ATTN Businesses, Residents, and Community Members:
If you would like to submit an agenda item for the Planning Commission meeting, the submission deadline is Friday 4 weeks BEFORE the meeting. For additional information regarding the site plan submission process, please see below.
2025 Meeting Dates | Submission Deadline |
January 28 | December 27, 2024 |
February 25 - CANCELLED | January 24 |
March 18 (Third Tuesday) | February 14 |
April 22 | March 21 |
May 27 | April 25 |
June 24 | May 23 |
July 22 | June 20 |
August 26 | July 25 |
September 23 | August 22 |
October 28 | September 26 |
November 25 | October 24 |
December 16 | November 14 |
Meeting Time:
2025 Meeting Dates:
January 28
February 25 - CANCELED
March 18
April 22
May 27
June 24
July 22
August 26
September 23
October 28
November 25
December 16
City Hall, 3338 Coolidge
Watch Meetings Live online!
Planning Commission meetings are televised live** on Berkley's government access channel, WBRK (available for WOW and Comcast customers), and the City's YouTube channel.
**Work sessions & Joint Meetings are not recorded or televised.
The City of Berkley will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities. For more information on this, or to request auxiliary aids or services, contact the city in writing or by phone at:
City Clerk's Office
Berkley City Hall
3338 Coolidge Hwy.
Berkley, MI 48072
Meeting Agendas
& Minutes
Below you will find agendas and minutes for Planning Commission meetings. If you are looking for an agenda or minutes from a specific meeting not listed below, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 248.658.3310 or email clerk@berkleymi.gov.
Planning Commission meetings are held in City Council Chambers.
All meetings are open to the public and broadcast live on WBRK and our YouTube channel. You can watch previous meetings by clicking here and browsing our YouTube channel.
March 19 - CANCELED
June 25 - CANCELED
August 27 - CANCELED
February 28
March 21
August 22 - CANCELLED
October 11
November 22 - CANCELLED
Site Plan Review
Property owners who plan to make any physical changes to the ‘footprint’ of their building, add parking or make significant changes to the exterior facade, must apply for a Site Plan Review to be conducted by Planning Commission. Requests should be submitted 30 days in advance and an application fee is required.
A preliminary meeting is held with the City Planner in order to determine what issues will be discussed before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission's role in this process is to ensure that the requested changes will not adversely affect the surrounding areas.
The standards for site plan approval are included in the city’s zoning ordinance. It is important to remember that the Planning Commission considers final plans (not a concept), and all expected modifications must be included in the plans presented.
If approved, any implementation of the plans should conform to what was approved by the Planning Commission. It is prudent for property owners to discuss the plan with the City Planner, neighbors living in the area of the planned changes, a financial institution, and a design professional before moving through this process.
Community Development Contact Info
3338 Coolidge Hwy.
Berkley, MI 48072
248.658.3320 phone
248.658.3301 fax
Office Hours
M-F 8:30AM-5PM
Closed from 1-2PM every day