What Is the Zoning Board of Appeals?
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is composed of 7 residents and two alternates, appointed to a 3-year term. Meetings are held, as needed, on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7 PM at the City Hall, 3338 Coolidge. ZBA meetings are televised live on Berkley's government access channel, WBRK (available for WOW and Comcast customers).
The ZBA hears the following types of cases:
- Zoning Variances, both use and nonuse variance requests
- Zoning Appeals as described under the zoning ordinance
- Interpretation of use
Click here for the Zoning Board of Appeals Handbook published by the Michigan Municipal League.
Who we are:
Questions or comments for the board can be directed to zba@berkleymich.net or 248-658-3320.
Joseph V. Krug
Term Expires July 2025
Sue McAlpine (Chair)
Term Expires July 2026
Erick McDonald
Term Expires July 2027
Joann Serr
Term Expires July 2025
Kevin Wilner
Term Expires July 2026
Steve Allen
Term Expires July 2025
Andrew Creal
Term Expires July 2027
When Can You Attend a Meeting?
The Zoning Board of Appeals meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7 PM at City Hall, 3338 Coolidge.
ATTN Businesses, Residents, and Community Members:
If you would like to submit an agenda item for the Planning Commission meeting, the submission deadline is Friday 5 WEEKS BEFORE the meeting.
Meeting Time:
2025 Meeting Dates | Submission Deadline |
January 13 | December 13, 2024 |
February 10 - CANCELLED | January 10 |
March 10 - CANCELLED | February 7 |
April 14- CANCELLED | March 14 |
May 12 | April 11 |
June 9 | May 9 |
July 14 | June 13 |
August 11 | July 11 |
September 9 | August 8 |
October 13 | September 12 |
November 10 | October 10 |
December 8 | November 7 |
City Hall, 3338 Coolidge Hwy
Any property or business owner who wishes to modify existing property in a way that is not addressed in the zoning ordinance, can apply for a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA).
Zoning Board of Appeals meetings are televised live** on Berkley's government access channel, WBRK (available for WOW and Comcast customers).
**Work sessions & Joint Meetings are not recorded or televised.
If a meeting is currently in session, it will be streamed live below.
The City of Berkley will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities. For more information on this, or to request auxiliary aids or services, contact the city in writing or by phone at:
City Clerk's Office
Berkley City Hall
3338 Coolidge Hwy.
Berkley, MI 48072
Meeting Agendas
& Minutes
If you are looking for an agenda or minutes from a specific meeting not listed below, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 248.658.3310.
ZBA meetings are held in City Council Chambers.
All meetings are open to the public and recorded/broadcast live on WBRK and YouTube.
A meeting is cancelled if no cases are received.
March 11 - CANCELED
June 10 - Work Session
September 9 - CANCELED
November 12 - CANCELED
December 9 - CANCELED
January 10 - CANCELLED
February 13 - CANCELLED
March 13 - CANCELED
September 11 - CANCELED
October 9 - CANCELED
December 11 - CANCELED