Berkley Boards & Commissions

Building Code Board

What Is the Board of Appeals?

The Building Board of Appeals is responsible for hearing grievances that result from decisions rendered by city building officials. Board members can take action on disputes related to the interpretation of the building code and cannot waive or change the code. 

The Building Code Board of Appeals meets as needed in accordance with the city ordinance.

  • A registered design professional who is a registered architect; or builder or superintendent of building construction with at least ten years experience, five of which shall have been in responsible charge of work
  • A registered design professional with structural engineering or architectural experience
  • A registered design professional with a mechanical or plumbing engineering experience; or a mechanical or plumbing contractor with at least ten years   experience, five of which shall have been in responsible charge of work
  • A registered design professional with electrical engineering experience; or an electrical contractor with at least ten years experience, five of which shall   have been in responsible charge of work
  • A registered design professional with fire protection engineering experience; or a fire protection contractor with at least ten years experience, five of which shall have been in responsible charge of work.

Who we are:

*5 Vacant Positions Available*

To view the enabling legislation surrounding the Building Code Board of Appeals, click here.
Questions or comments for the board can be directed to Community Development Director Kristen Kapelanski at or 248-658-3320.

Chris A. Cleveland

Electrical Engineer, Term Expires July 2024

James L. Yates

Structural Team Leader/Stantec Term Expires July 2024


The Enabling Legislation for the Building Code Board of Appeals


Please explore the dropdown tabs below, where you will find FAQs regarding information and services from the City Clerk’s Office. 

For additional questions, not covered on this page, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 248.658.3310.

How do I Obtain an Animal License?

A permit is required to construct a deck or porch. An application and two sets of plans must be submitted for review. The plans must clearly indicate how the deck will be constructed. The plans must also indicate where the deck will be installed on the property. If you have a mortgage survey, you can copy the survey and sketch the dimensions of the deck onto it. An application and plans must be reviewed and approved by the Building Official prior to the issuance of a permit.

Plan reviews may take up to two weeks. The permit fee is based upon the value of the work.

Topic Goes Here

A permit is required to construct a deck or porch. An application and two sets of plans must be submitted for review. The plans must clearly indicate how the deck will be constructed. The plans must also indicate where the deck will be installed on the property. If you have a mortgage survey, you can copy the survey and sketch the dimensions of the deck onto it. An application and plans must be reviewed and approved by the Building Official prior to the issuance of a permit.

Plan reviews may take up to two weeks. The permit fee is based upon the value of the work.

Topic Goes Here

A permit is required to construct a deck or porch. An application and two sets of plans must be submitted for review. The plans must clearly indicate how the deck will be constructed. The plans must also indicate where the deck will be installed on the property. If you have a mortgage survey, you can copy the survey and sketch the dimensions of the deck onto it. An application and plans must be reviewed and approved by the Building Official prior to the issuance of a permit.

Plan reviews may take up to two weeks. The permit fee is based upon the value of the work.

Topic Goes Here

A permit is required to construct a deck or porch. An application and two sets of plans must be submitted for review. The plans must clearly indicate how the deck will be constructed. The plans must also indicate where the deck will be installed on the property. If you have a mortgage survey, you can copy the survey and sketch the dimensions of the deck onto it. An application and plans must be reviewed and approved by the Building Official prior to the issuance of a permit.

Plan reviews may take up to two weeks. The permit fee is based upon the value of the work.