Upcoming City Council Meeting: February 24, 2025
February 20, 2025

We’re sharing a preview of the meeting, but you can view the full agenda by clicking here.
The evening will begin with a Work Session meeting at 6 PM in the second-floor conference room of our Public Safety building. Work Sessions are informal, discussion-focused meetings where Councilmembers have the opportunity to dive deep into important topics and get thorough briefings from staff before any formal actions are taken. While work sessions don't include votes and are not recorded or broadcast, they're open to all community members who'd like to observe these valuable planning conversations. At this session, Council will engage in detailed discussions about workforce housing PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) programs and a proposed marquee lease agreement.
The regular meeting will start at 7 PM in Council Chambers, and will be streamed live on our YouTube channel and on WBRK. This meeting will include an update from our director of communications on our newly launched website (berkleymi.gov), followed by important financial oversight matters including our quarterly budget review through December 2024 and consideration of second quarter budget adjustments.
Four new ordinances will be introduced for their first readings, which gives both Councilmembers and our community time to review and understand proposed changes before any final decisions are made. The first readings include updates to our engineering standards and adjustments to align our new zoning ordinance with existing City Code.
Want to dive deeper? We make it easy to stay informed:
Watch the livestream and catch up on recorded meetings at youtube.com/cityofberkley
Watch the meeting on WBRK (Channel 10 on WOW and Channel 17 on Comcast)
Check our website calendar to stay up-to-date with all public meetings and events