Pre-Submission Information
Conceptual Meetings and Pre- Application Meetings
Developers and investors interested in learning about the requirements for new development,
construction or renovation are encouraged to schedule a conceptual meeting with the Community
Development Department.
For potential applicants with further developed plans, Pre-Application meetings with all development
staff and consultants are encouraged.
These meetings are available at zero or minimal costs in the case of Pre-Application meetings and can
help significantly reduce the lead time for future permitting, planning and rezoning requests. To
schedule a meeting, contact the Community Development Department at or
Community Development
3338 Coolidge Highway
Berkley, MI 48072
248.658.3320 phone
248.658.3321 fax
Site Plan Review and Approval
Site plan approval is needed for most non-single family residential exterior construction work. Examples
of projects requiring site plan approval include additions, parking lot layout changes, changes to site
layouts and new construction. Potential applicants should contact the Zoning Administrator at or 248.658.3324 to confirm site plan approval is required prior to
Special Land Use Review and Approval
Certain uses are considered Special Land Uses and require review and approval by the Planning
Commission and City Council. The goal of this additional layer of review and approval is to ensure the
neighborhood and surrounding properties will be adversely affected by the proposed use. Criteria
considered by the Planning Commission and City Council is listed in Section 138-653 of the City’s Zoning
Property owners or applicants wishing to develop or occupy a property for a use now allowed in the current zoning district may request a rezoning. Rezonings must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Planned Unit Developments
Property owners or applicants wishing to develop or redevelop a property with a unique layout or use in mind may want to consider a Planned Unit Development. Planned Unit Developments require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council at several points throughout the process. Additional information is available in Division 18 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
Applications, plans and all supporting documents may be submitted in one of the following ways:
· Email the application package to
· Send the application package via regular mail to ATTN: Community Development Department 3338 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley, MI 48072
· Drop the application package in the secure dropbox at City Hall’s main entrance
· Submit the application package in person at the Community Development Department at City Hall
Community Development Department staff will contact you regarding required review fees and with any questions or outstanding items needed for your submission. Fee payments can be made in person at City Hall or sent via regular mail.