Berkley, Michigan

Historical Museum

About the

Historical Museum

The Berkley Historical Museum is located in the old Fire Hall at City Hall at 3338 Coolidge Highway. The original Fire Hall was dedicated on March 10, 1928, and received designation as a Historic Site from the State of Michigan in 1988. The museum was established in 1993 and is administered by the Berkley Historical Committee. The museum displays memorabilia from the city archives and items contributed by local residents. Every year at Christmas, the museum features a holiday-themed display.



Videos Produced By: The McCarty Team (Dan and Patti McCarty) Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel

Berkley Historical Museum

3338 Coolidge Hwy
Berkley, MI 48072

(Berkley Historical Museum is located in the old Fire Hall at City Hall)

Wednesdays: 10 AM - 1 PM
Sundays: 2 PM - 4 PM
Please Note: We are closed on holidays

248-658-3335 or email

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The Museum Corner Is Now Available!

The Berkley Historical Committee has published its quarterly newsletter: The Museum Corner. It contains articles about Berkley’s history and the museum’s holdings and news. See older versions of the newsletter here.

Museum Souvenirs

Now Available

The Museum Corner Newsletters 2023

The Museum Corner Newsletters 2022

The Museum Corner Newsletters 2021

Join Our Board

The Historical Museum is administered by the Historical Committee, which is always welcoming new members! The committee has an “unlimited” membership.

If you are interested in applying to become a member, please click here to visit the Boards & Commissions page.

QUESTIONS? Call 248-658-3335 OR stop by during museum hours!