Museum Updates
Keep Up-to-date on the latest events and activies with the Museum. If you have any questions call 248.658.3335 or stop by the museum. Check-out some of our latest events below:

Happy 100th
Birthday Berkley!
Join us on October 14th at 3:30PM for an unveiling of the Michigan state historical marker at the old Berkley Village & Fire Hall as well as a dedication of a time capsule (to be opened in 2123)! For more details, please reach out to us at

Commemorate the Unique History
of Your Berkley Home
Preorders are now open for custom home history plaques! For only $40 you will receive a custom plaque to hang or display on your home to honor its unique history! Made locally by the Hunt Sign Company, these plaques are weather resistant. Order yours today by returning the order form with payment to the Museum.
Checks can be made out to:
Berkley Historical Committee
3338 Coolidge Highway
Berkley, MI 48072
The Historical Museum is administered by the Historical Committee, which is always welcoming new members! The committee has an “unlimited” membership.
If you are interested in applying to become a member, please click here to visit the Boards & Commissions page.
QUESTIONS? Call 248-658-3335 OR stop by during museum hours!