Types of Variances
Use Variance
A use variance is a request to allow a specific use in a zoning district where it is not currently permitted.
Use variances are subject to a specific set of requirements identified in Section 138-606(2) of the Zoning
Dimensional Variance
A dimensional variance is a request to vary from a specific dimensional requirement within the Zoning
Ordinance. Dimensional variance requests are subject to a specific set of requirements identified in
Section 138-606(1) of the Zoning Ordinance.
Sign Variance
A sign variance is a request to vary from a specific requirement with the Sign Ordinance. Sign variance
requests are subject to a specific set of requirements identified in Section 138-606(1) of the Zoning
Community Development
3338 Coolidge Highway
Berkley, MI 48072
248.658.3320 phone
248.658.3321 fax
A request for an interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance allows the Zoning Board of Appeals to determine what was intended by the text of the Zoning Ordinance. Specific procedures for interpretation requests are list in Section 138-197 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
The Zoning Board of Appeals must determine whether a mural represents a commercial message for all properties outside of the control of the Downtown Development Authority.