Community Development

Landlord Licensing



Before a store, office, apartment or house is rented, the property owner must register as a landlord so that the structure can be inspected and approved for occupancy.

Community Development:

3338 Coolidge Highway
Berkley, MI 48072

248.658.3320 phone
248.658.3321 fax

Why are Rental Properties Inspected?

Various aspects of a rental property are examined during an inspection. Inspectors follow the International Property Maintenance Code and Berkley City Code. This list includes but is not limited to items that will be looked at during the inspection. 

  • Does the structure have adequate and safe electrical service?
  • Is the plumbing in good repair?
  • Is the heating system in safe working order?  If the heating unit is more than 5 years old it must be inspected by a professional, and the report should be submitted to the Building Department. 
  • Is the chimney in good repair?
  • Are the walls/ceiling, floors and floor coverings in good condition without cracks or holes?
  • Are there storm windows and screens in all window frames? Are window frames rotted, unpainted, in disrepair?
  • Are there any missing, broken or cracked windows? Do windows need caulking?
  • Are there screen/storm doors on the front and rear of the rental units? Are solid entrance doors in good condition with proper security locks?
  • Are all of porches, steps, skirting of the house and other wood on the exterior rotted, in disrepair? Or in need of paint? Are railings secured? Does the roof leak?
  • Are the rain pipes in good repair?
  • Is the structure free of roaches and rodents?
  • Is the garage or shed rotted, open, filled with debris, in need of roofing or paint?
  • Are the surrounding grounds free of trash, abandoned vehicles, vehicle parts and overgrown weeds and grass?
  • Are fences and gates in good condition and working order?
  • Is the driveway and sidewalks surrounding the property in good shape and not a danger to walk over?
  • Is there wood and miscellaneous trash stored under the structure, in the basement, in the attic, or in the garage creating a rodent haven and health hazard?
  • Is there a smoke detector in each residential unit of the dwelling? Is there a minimum of one smoke detector per floor? Is there one smoke detector in each bedroom?
  • Is there carbon monoxide detector(s) in the vicinity of bedrooms and adjacent to any fuel-burning appliance (furnace/water heater)?