The City’s Code Enforcement team responds to citizen concerns about issues that affect the quality of life within the City like overgrown lots and yards, inoperative vehicles, structure maintenance, illegal signs and public nuisances.
Community Development
3338 Coolidge Highway
Berkley, MI 48072
248.658.3320 phone
248.658.3321 fax
Office Hours
M-F 8:30AM-5PM
Closed from 1-2PM every day
a Concern
If you have questions or complaints about a particular property or issue, please call 248.658.3320 during business hours or email All calls are anonymous and all complaints will be investigated. Concerns that are potentially a safety hazard and outside of regular business hours can be directed to the Public Safety Department at 248.658.3380.
Property Code Enforcement Quick Facts
Berkley has several ordinances that regulate vegetation. To view those ordinances, click below.
Berkley City Code prohibits residents and businesses from maintaining grass, weeds, or other ground cover to a height greater than 8 inches. Flower gardens, vegetable gardens and shrubs are exempt from this requirement.
Once a lawn reaches 8 inches in height, a notice is sent giving the property owner 5 days to cut the lawn. (Berkley City Code, Sections 130-76-79). If the lawn is not cut after 5 days:
- the city will cut the lawn and bill the property owner
- the city contracts with a company to provide this service
- the contractor has two days to cut the lawn, after the city gives permission to do so
We realize that during late spring this gives tall grass an ample opportunity to grow even longer, but the law requires that we give one warning for the season and make the first notice very reasonable.
For on-going problems (repeat offenders, vacant properties) we are not required to give multiple warnings. Once Code Enforcement notes that the lawn is again 8 inches tall, we can simply advise our contractor to cut the lawn and then bill the property owner.
If you think that a property is not being maintained, please call our Code Enforcement Division at the Building Department. Before calling be sure to have the address of the property in question. All calls are anonymous.
A zoning certificate is required to install a fence. An application and a fence affidavit must be completed. The certificate fee is $60. Depending upon the characteristics of the property, a zoning certificate may or may not be issued at the time of application.
Quick Fact:
Fences are not permitted in the front yard. If you wish to install a privacy fence, the finished side must face your neighbors. The person installing the second fence on the property line is responsible for maintaining the area that will be between the fences.
Businesses and apartment buildings are required to clear the sidewalks when snow accumulation exceeds 2 inches. The snow must be removed within 12 hours after the end of the snowstorm. Snow cannot be piled in the street.
Local law prohibits any condition that will provide harborage for rats, mice or other vermin. For example, trash must be placed in plastic bags. To prevent burrowing, rat walls are required for all construction that is over 36 square feet in size. Firewood, yard waste, or construction materials must be stored at least 18 inches above the ground. Broken windows must be repaired. Pet food should not be left outside. Yards should be free of trash and pet droppings. Lawns must be maintained to a height less than 8 inches.
Building materials may not be stored outside unless a building permit has been issued. Junk or trash cannot be stored or accumulated on property.
Berkley City Code requires that bushes and shrubs be trimmed to a maximum height of 3 feet so they do not cause a sight obstruction at corners or along driveways. Also, bushes and shrubs must be trimmed so that they do not encroach on the City sidewalk.
Vehicles must be licensed, registered, and operative. Vehicles must be parked or stored on concrete or asphalt.