Community Development

Development Projects and Public Hearings


Rezonings and larger development projects require review and approval by the Planning Commission
and in some cases, the City Council. Changes to the City’s Zoning Ordinance require the approval of the
Planning Commission and City Council. Variance requests from the Zoning Ordinance requirements and
Zoning Ordinance interpretations require the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The City wants to
make sure residents, visitors and businesses are aware of projects, ordinance revisions and variances
under consideration.

Community Development Contact Info:

3338 Coolidge Hwy.
Berkley, MI 48072

248.658.3320 phone
248.658.3321 fax

Office Hours
M-F 8:30AM-5PM
Closed from 1-2PM every day

Rezonings, Development Projects, Zoning Ordinance Amendments and Variance and Interpretation Requests

Click the drop-down menus below to explore current projects.

Planning Commission: Rezoning

The purpose of this category is to change the zoning classification of a parcel. This process involves a public hearing before the City Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council, and the City Council has final authority to grant or deny the request. Granting of a rezoning must be supported by the Master Plan and must not negatively impact adjacent property owners. 

You can view the current Rezoning Projects below:

The Columbia - SPA PUD Resubmittal

Planning Commission: Special Land Use

The purpose of this category is for land that requires additional consideration because of its unique characteristics and possible impacts on the neighboring properties and community as a whole. Examples include; drive-in or drive-thru eating establishments in the Downtown District.

You can view the current Special Land Use Projects below:


Planning Commission: Zoning Ordinance Amendment

The purpose of this category focuses on such amendments that can be brought to the Planning Commission either by a resident/property owner request or from the City staff. Amendments can be made to make changes to the Zoning Ordinance that include; land uses, parking, signs, landscaping, etc.

You can view the current Zoning Ordinance Amendment Projects below:

No projects at this time.

Planning Commission: Site Plans

You can view the current Site Plan Projects below:
No projects at this time.

Planning Commission: Marihuana

Below is the list of Marihuana Site Plans for review:
No projects at this time

Zoning Board of Appeals: Variance

The purpose of this category focuses on requests for an exception to the land use regulations within the Zoning Ordinance.

Two broad categories that fall under Variance: Dimensional (Non-Use) and Use

  • Dimensional - Authorizes a deviation from a requirement related to land improvement or configuration of a building on the property.
  • Use - Authorizes a land use not normally permitted in the zoning district.

In either case, the variance request is justified only if special conditions exist on the property that creates a hardship making it impossible to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.

You can view the current Use Variance projects below:
No projects at this time.

You can view the current Dimensional Variance projects below:

No projects at this time.

Zoning Board of Appeals: Appeal of Administrative Decision

This category is for any appeals that may be taken to the ZBA by any person or office, department, board, aggrieved by a decision of the zoning officer or planning commission.

You can view the current Appeal of Administrative Decision Projects below:

No projects at this time. 

Zoning Board of Appeals: Interpretation of Commercial Message (Murals)

This category is for request(s) by an applicant or property owner to the ZBA to determine if a proposed mural or work-of-art contains a commercial message.

You can view the current Interpretation of Commercial Message (Murals) Projects below:

No projects at this time.