Berkley’s Code of Ordinances and City Charter are accessible online through the Municipal Code website.
Within Municode, you can view our community’s city codes, ordinances, and other municipal documents. The site also flags any ordinances that have been recently modified or updated, sign up to receive notifications on specific items, and is enabled for you to print or export all or part of the table of contents. There is no charge for using this service.
NOTE: Updates to Municode take about 48 hours to codify after council approval.
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Berkley, Michigan to Amend Article II, Collection and Disposal of Chapter 58, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse of the City of Berkley Code of Ordinances to clarify requirements for containers for garbage versus rubbish and to clarify pick-up times for emptied garbage and rubbish containers.
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Berkley, Michigan to Repeal Chapter 94 Signs, Repeal and Replace Chapter 138 Zoning and Repeal and Replace the City of Berkley’s Zoning Map in order to move sign regulations to the Zoning Ordinance, match the recommendations of the City’s Master Plan and modernize sign and zoning regulations.
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Berkley, Michigan to Amend Section 106-107, Restricted Area and Section 106-108, Shrubs and Bushes of the City of Berkley Code of Ordinances to address inconsistencies between the draft Zoning Ordinance and certain provisions of the City Code.