City of Berkley, MI

Audit & Budget Documents

City of Berkley Fiscal Year

Budget Preparation

The City of Berkley operates on a fiscal year for our budgeting purposes. Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 covers July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025, and we prepare a draft for the following fiscal year in tandem to keep us and our priorities on track. The draft of the City Manager’s recommended budget for FY 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 was shared with community members and the City Council on April 1 this year, allowing extra review time before the Mayor and City Council approved and adopted the finalized budget in a public hearing in May. It’s important to remember that the recommended documents published on April 1 are working draft documents until the budget is approved and adopted by the Mayor and City Council. The FY 2024-2025 budget was approved and adopted by the Mayor and City Council at the May 20, 2024 City Council meeting.

Between the publication of the City Manager’s recommended budget and the adoption of the finalized budget, revisions are made based on input from the City Council and community members. The City Council hosts public work sessions in advance of the public hearing, where the community is welcome to attend to learn more about each department’s proposed budget before it is approved. To listen to the audio of the 2024 work session meeting, click here.

The budget process is collaborative, and community members are encouraged to attend a work session or reach out to the City Manager’s Office ( directly with questions about the City’s priorities and budget allocations.

A Note About Budget Amendments
While we adhere to a strict timeline to adopt each fiscal year’s budget, our overall budgeting process is ongoing and doesn’t take a break. Budget amendments are presented to City Council each quarter as needed and keep our community aware of shifts in planned expenditures and revenues. Much like a household budget, unexpected costs can occur due to issues such as aging infrastructure, staff level fluctuations, unavoidable contractual increases, and rising inflation. Preparing and publicly presenting the quarterly budget amendments when needed to be approved by City Council allows us to maintain a balanced budget while reallocating funds as necessary to continue delivering excellent services to our community.  

Fiscal Year Budget Preparation Timeline

Below is a general timeline for our overall fiscal year budget preparation this year:

  • Early February: Budget guide shared from the City of Berkley’s finance department to all department heads.
  • March 1: Each department’s recommended changes to City Manager’s proposed budget are due for internal review by the City Manager and Finance Director.
  • Early April: City Manager’s proposed draft budget documents for the upcoming fiscal year are shared with City Council and published on the City website for public review.
  • Mid-April: Approval is requested at the City Council meeting to publish notice of a public hearing to adopt the budget in May.
  • Before Public Hearing: City Council holds budget work session in the second-floor conference room of our Public Safety building (2395 W. 12 Mile) to review each department’s budget recommendations. Public questions and comments are welcomed at the beginning and end of each meeting, and community members are encouraged to attend the entire session. While the meetings are not broadcast, audio recording of the meeting is available on the City’s YouTube channel for those interested who cannot attend.
  • Between work session and Public Hearing: Adjustments are made to the City Manager’s proposed budget based on City Council and public input.
  • May: As outlined in our City Charter and State law, the budget and tax rate public hearing is held, where the City Council will consider adopting the proposed budget.
  • Before start of fiscal year: The finalized, adopted budget is published for July 1 implementation.
  • July 1: Fiscal year begins and the finalized, adopted budget is implemented.

The final, adopted budget and the audio of the budget work session meeting are published below in the "2024-2025 Adopted Budget" section. 

Questions about the budget process or the fiscal year’s budget? Reach out to the City Manager’s Office at or 248-658-3350.

Department of Finance Contact Info:

3338 Coolidge Highway,

Berkley, MI 48072

Office Hours
M-F 8:30AM to 5PM
Closed from 1-2PM every day

(248) 658-3340