Purchasing gift and memorial books is a wonderful way to remember loved ones or to mark special occasions such as births and birthdays, graduations, weddings, and anniversaries.
With your tax-deductible contribution, the Library will purchase an item in the category you choose (adult, children, other). You can even suggest a subject or materials that best represent the occasion or the interests of the honoree.
Acknowledgment of your gift is sent to the individual or to the family of the person being honored. Gifts will be acknowledged with a bookplate in the designated volume before it goes on the shelf for check-out.
The Library also welcomes undesignated monetary donations of any size. Donations to the Library enable us to offer additional resources to the local community.
To make a donation, send your check made payable to the Berkley Public Library, along with the completed donation form to:
Berkley Public Library
3155 Coolidge Highway
Berkley, MI 48072
Berkley Public Library:
3155 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley, MI 48072
248.658.3440 phone 248.658.3441 fax
MON - WED: 10am - 8pm
THURS: 10am-6pm
FRI: 1pm - 6pm
SAT: 10am - 3pm
SUN: Closed
Other Types of Donations
To see more information on donating books or the Berkley Public Library Endowment Fund, please explore the dropdown tabs below. Any questions? Call 248.658.3440.
The Berkley Public Library is proud of its collection, beautiful building, and programs. Although tax dollars are the main source of revenue for the library, we need extra funding to support the level of services we offer.
The library’s endowment fund was started in 1999 with a bequest of $62,500 and has grown to over $125,000. Each year the library receives a check to support library programs. This money has been used to upgrade the computer network, renovate the children’s room, and purchase new materials for the collection. The annual distribution from the endowment fund provides a stable source of income for the library and this payout grows with the fund.
The Berkley Public Library Endowment Fund is administered by the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. Pooling charitable funds into a well-recognized organization offer us a higher return on dollars. Not only will your donation help an outstanding public institution, but it is also tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
If you are interested in donating, you can fill out the printable form below and send in your check (payable to "CFSEM") with "Berkley Public Library Endowment Fund" written on the memo line to the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan.
As of March 1, 2025, the library welcomes donations of gently used books and other materials. Materials may be added to the library collection or they may be given to the Friends of the Library for their book sales. (Money earned at these sales is donated to the library for programs, new materials, furniture, or equipment.)
If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, we will ask the number of hardcover books, paperback books, and other items. The receipt will verify the number of items donated but a dollar value will not be assigned.
Useful Books For The Adult Collection:
- Current bestsellers (on the list today)
- Paperbacks in good condition by popular authors
- Nonfiction published within the last five years, especially:
- Cookbooks
- Craft books
- Home improvement and how-to
- Anything published by Dorling Kindersley
- Gardening books
Useful Books For The Children’s Collection:
- Current paperbacks and paperback series
- Board books
- Anything published by Dorling Kindersley
Useful Books For The Teen Collection:
- Current teen bestsellers (on the list today)
- Current paperbacks and paperback series
- Graphic novels, especially manga
Other Items:
- DVDs—recent movies, PBS programs, and tv series for all ages
- CDs—popular and classical ones
Items That Are Generally Not Useful:
- Anything in poor condition
- wear
- water damage
- yellowed pages
- highlighted pages
- mildew or musty smell
- Textbooks of any kind
- Nonfiction more than 5 years old
- Encyclopedias
- Readers Digest condensed books
- Magazines, especially National Geographic
- Hardcover fiction more than one year old
- Time-Life and other series
- Spiral or ring-bound books
- Videotapes, cassettes, or records