Welcome to Oxford Park
2100 Bacon
Splash Pad Rules & Hours
- Open daily from 11 AM - 8 PM**
- Splash Pad runs Memorial Day through Labor Day**
- Play at your own risk
- NO running
- NO glass, food, or pets
- NO bikes, skateboards, or rollerblades
- Children under 12 must have adult supervision
- Splash pad is UNSUPERVISED
- Children in diapers MUST wear swim diapers
- Clear the splash pad during inclement weather
- For emergencies, call 9-1-1
- For non-emergencies, call Parks & Recreation at 248-658-3470
**Days and Hours are subject to change.
Parks & Recreation Contact Info
2400 Robina
Berkley, MI 48072
248.658.3470 phone
248.658.3471 fax
Office Hours
M-F 8:30AM-5PM
About the Park
The City of Berkley purchased three acres of property known as Oxford Park in 2014 from the Berkley School District. In 2016, the Parks & Recreation Department hired Native Edge, LLC to help develop a master plan for the property. Public input from resident focus groups and surrounding stakeholders played a significant role in developing the final plan.
In 2020, the City broke ground for the development of the park. Phase one of the new park and its 6.7 acres will feature the installation of restroom facilities, a splash pad, play structures, walking paths to the recreational amenities, and much more.
The City received a federal grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) in the amount of $180,000 to develop a splash pad area and other amenities at the development. The LWCF grant, together with funds from the City, helped provide the following elements:
- Approximately 1,600 square-foot natural splash pad area
- Six-foot asphalt walkways connecting the park to the surrounding sidewalks
- Universally designed family restrooms
About the Land and Water Conservation Fund
The LWCF is a federal program administered by the United States Department of Interior’s National Park Service and implemented locally by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
How did the Park Name Come to be?
- Residents and community members were encouraged to submit their ideas for a new park name through an open submission process.
- Those names were reviewed by the Park Naming Committee*
- The compiled list of potential park names was narrowed down by the committee to the top five to ten. The final selection was submitted to the Mayor and City Council for the final determination.
* The Park Naming Committee was made up of Parks and Recreation staff, the City Manager, and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board.